
 The 34 th CIHIE& Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Industry Expo

2025年4月25日-27日       北京中国国际展览中心(朝阳馆)

展商介绍/Enterprise brief introduction




成都市山妹子蜂业有限公司成立于2006年,为成都市农业产业化经营市级重 点龙头企业,下设广汉市蜂云堂养蜂专业合作社,专注于蜜蜂养殖与采集历史30多 年,是集蜜蜂养殖、产品生产与加工、产品销售,并致力于一二三产业融合发展的 现代化企业。

山妹子蜂业现为中国蜂产品协会会员单位,四川省蜂业学会副理事长单位,成 都市蜂业学会副理事长单位,成都市农产品市场流通协会副会长单位。

公司生产的蜂云堂牌系列蜂产品荣获“第七届中国国际农产品交易会金奖、中 国.湖南第十届(国际)农博会金奖、全国打假保名优重点保护企业、以及四川市场 产品质量稳定企业、产品质量监督抽查合格达标单位、消费者喜爱展出品牌、精品 年货推荐展出品牌等荣誉。

山妹子蜂业始终以“弘扬蜜蜂文化、普及产品知识、助力行业发展、惠及百姓 健康”为企业使命,坚持“用良心、做好蜜”的经营理念,努力让蜂产品这一传统 保健佳品为老百姓健康养生保驾护航,并推动行业发展,践行社会责任!

HENGDUSHI SHANMEIZI FENGYE CO.,LTD was established in 2006 for the  industrialization of Chengdu’s agriculture. It is a key leading enterprise at the municipal level, with the establishment of  Guanghan Fengyuntang Beekeeping Professional Cooperative, which focuses on  the history of bee breeding and collection for more than 30 years. It is a modernenterprise that gathers bee breeding, product production and processing, and  product sales, and is committed to the integrated development of one, two and  three Guangye. Shanmeizi Bee Industry is now a member unit of China Bee Products Association and deputy director of Sichuan Bee Industry Association. Director unit, vice chairman unit of Chengdu Yuye Society, vice president  unit of Chengdu Agricultural Products Market Circulation Association. The Fengyuntang brand series of bee products produced by the company  have won the Gold Award of the 7th China International Clothing Products Fair,  the Gold Award of the 10th China-Hunan (International) Agricultural Expo, the  national key protection enterprises of anti-counterfeiting and protection, as well  as enterprises with stable product quality in the Sichuan market, qualified units for  product quality supervision and Brand, boutique New Year’s recommendation  brand and other honors. Shanmeizi fengye has always taken the mission of “promoting the changing  culture, popularizing product knowledge, helping the development of the industry, and benefiting the health of the people” as the enterprise. It adheres to the  business philosophy of “using conscience and doing a good job in honey”,  and strives to let bee products, a traditional health care product, protect the Responsibility!