
 The 34 th CIHIE& Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Industry Expo

2025年4月25日-27日       北京中国国际展览中心(朝阳馆)

展商介绍/Enterprise brief introduction




     新国门国际商务新地标 中科电商谷雄踞南中轴核心功能区,据守全球商务发展创新高地;享有北京 自贸区、大兴国际机场、南中轴核心多重利好。为构建产业新生态北京经济技术开 发区将形成亦庄新城“433”城市功能组团布局,作为规划范围内的中科电商谷,

      园区将积极推进科技创新研究院和科技成果转化中心建设,推动科技与文化融合发 展。 全功能智慧园区创新型服务平台 中科电商谷整体规模超百万平米,包含写字楼、创客空间、商业等多种业态, 与自然生态、人文生态、产业生态完美结合,是集航天科技、互联网、高新技术、 会展贸易、资金融通、技术支持、人才培养等为一体的创新型智能综合产业平台。 将打造成为一个汇聚全价值链的创新型示范级产业园区。 全生命周期服务体系助力企业腾飞 园区积极与区域政府、行业巨擘、专业机构、科研院所及高校紧密合作,整合 行业优质资源,为入园企业提供专业化、系统化、全面化的智能企业服务平台,打 造创新园区服务生态。 · 商务服务:商事服务、法务服务、财税顾问、企宣推广 · 产业服务:科技金融、知识产权、政策扶持对接、人才服务 国家政策扶持 国家级+北京市+区级多重政策叠加 · 国家级:国家高新技术企业、国家备案众创空间 · 北京市:高精尖产业发展资金、中关村"1+4"政策 · 区级:区级相关政策扶持 八大公园环绕,生态得天独厚 南中轴森林公园、南海子公园等8大公园环绕,绿意享受乐于其中;园区10万 平米绿地,与外部公园遥相呼应,营造出真正舒适、自然的工作、生活环境。 立体交通,联动全球 国际机场:大兴机场高速20分钟抵达大兴国际机场,机场快轨40分钟快速抵达 首都国际机场,全 球城市一触即发;  高速公路:京开高速、京台高速、京沪高速三条国家高速通达全国各地;  地铁:5分钟抵达8号线五福堂地铁站,链接CBD、城市中心;  New gate of the capital, new landmark of international business Located in the core functional area       of south central axis in Beijing, ZHONGKE  E-BUSINESS VALLEY occupies the global business development and innovation  highland and has multiple benefits from Beijing Free Trade Zone, Beijing Daxing  International Airport and the core area of south central axis. In order to build a  new industrial ecology, Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area will  form a city functional cluster layout of “four industrial function areas, three innovative service areas, and three characteristic industrial parks” in Yizhuang New  Town. For ZHONGKE E-BUSINESS VALLEY, which is within the planning scope,  the park will actively promote the construction of science and technology innovation research institutes and technological achievements transformation centers,  and promote the integration and development of technology and culture.  Full-function intelligent park, innovative service platform With the overall scale of more than one million square meters, including office buildings, maker spaces, commerce and other business forms, perfectly integrated with natural ecology, human ecology and industrial ecology, ZHONGKE  E-BUSINESS VALLEY will become an innovative intelligent integrated industry 

      platform integrating aerospace technology, internet, high-tech, exhibition trade,  financial communication, technical support and talent training, and will be built  into an innovative demonstration-level industrial park converging the entire value  chain. Full life cycle service system to help enterprises take off The park will actively cooperate with regional governments, industry giants,  professional institutions, scientific research institutes and universities to integrate  high-quality resources of all related industries, so as to provide specialized,  systematic and comprehensive intelligent enterprise service platforms for  enterprises in the park, and create an innovative park service ecosystem. · Business services: Providing services for commercial subjects, legal  services, fiscal and taxation consulting; carrying outpublicity and promotion activities for enterprises. · Industrial services: Providing services related to technology finance and  intellectual property rights; carrying out policy support and talent services. Support from national policies Support from multiple policies of the state, Beijing, Daxing District · National level: National high-tech enterprise, national record-keeping  makerspace · Municipal level from Beijing: Development funds for high-tech, precision  and cutting-edge industries, 14 preferential policies for Zhongguancun Science  Park · District level: Related support policies from Daxing District Surrounded by eight parks, the ecology is unique Surrounded by 8 major parks including South Central Axis Forest Park and  Nanhaizi Park, ZHONGKE E-BUSINESS VALLEY is in close contact with nature.  The green area in the park reaches 100,000 square meters, which echoes with  the external park, creating a truly comfortable and natural working and living  environment. Three-dimensional transportation, connecting with the world International airport: Beijing Daxing International Airport can be reached  in 20 minutes by the Daxing Airport Expressway; the Capital International Airport  can be reached in 40 minutes by the Airport Express; ZHONGKE E-BUSINESS  VALLEY is closely connected with cities all over the world. Expressway: The three national expressways of Beijing-Kaifeng Expressway, Beijing-Taipei Expressway, and Beijing-Shanghai Expressway connect all  parts of China. Subway: It only takes 5 minutes to reach the Wufutang Station of Metro Line  8. It can reach CBD and downtown of Beijing very quickly.  VIP LINE:400-042-8866