
 The 34 th CIHIE& Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Industry Expo

2025年4月25日-27日       北京中国国际展览中心(朝阳馆)

展商介绍/Enterprise brief introduction




  深圳市真元天成科技有限公司,注册资金3000万元,是一家专注于生命数据的智 能科技公司。总部位于环境优美的龙华星河world,并在南山区设有研发基地。公司 拥有跨界技术专家,致力于打造核心竞争力。截止目前,公司已申请近40项发明、实 用新型专利及软件著作权,其中发明专利20余项。 深圳市真元天成科技有限公司以“提升生命品质、赋能康养产业”为使命,以 “利他、智慧”为价值观,以科学健康睡眠为核心研发创新性产品,持续进行技术和 经营创新,致力于成为全球生命数据科技领域的领先企业。 目前,深圳市真元天成科技有限公司将人工智能物联网(AIoT)技术聚焦于睡眠和 日常活动场景,为用户提供实现健康睡眠的智能硬件产品、应用软件和生命数据,产 品有备长炭软管枕、儿童陪睡呼吸抱枕、智能颈椎牵引枕、智能调频助眠枕和智率 AI智能老年监护系统等系列产品。

    of 30 million RMB, is an intelligent technology company focusing on life data.  The headquarters is located in the beautiful Longhua Star World, and has a research and development base in Nanshan District. The company has cross-border technical experts, committed to building the core competitiveness. Up to now,  the company has applied for nearly 40 inventions, utility model patents and software Copyrights, among which more than 20 patents have been issued. With the mission of “improving the quality of life and devoting to healthcare  industry”, “Altruistic wisdom” as the value, and scientific and healthy sleep as  the core, Zhenyuan Company develops innovative products, continues to carry  out technological and business innovation, and is committed to becoming a leading enterprise in the field of life data technology in the world. At present, the Zhenyuan company will utilizes artificial intelligence Internet  of things (AIoT) technology on sleep and daily activities, to provide users with  implementation of healthy sleep hardware products, application software and  intelligent life data. By now, our products include Binchotan charcoal pillow, Aro-matherapy pillow, Intelligent cervical spine traction pillow, Intelligent sleep aid  breathing pillow, Children hugging breathing pillow, and Intelligent rate and AI  monitoring system.