
 The 34 th CIHIE& Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Industry Expo

2025年4月25日-27日       北京中国国际展览中心(朝阳馆)

详情介绍/Detailed instructions ​​​
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时 间:2024年5月20日-22日

Date:  May,20th-22th, 2024


Venue:China International Exhibition Center


Brief Introduction of WHIC 

    世界健康产业大会简称"世健会",(Word Health Industry Conference英文缩写为WHIC)。由中国国际健康产业博览会组委会倡导,联合中国医疗保健国际交流促进会、中国中药信息学会、中国保健营养杂志社、中国中药协会、中华全国工商业联合会医药业商会等多家单位共同发起,世健会(北京)国际文化交流中心责组织运营的健康产业国际盛会。首届大会于 2012年4月7日(世界卫生日当天)在中国-北京成功召开,并得到美国、俄罗斯、德国、日本、印度、加拿大、乌克兰等国家相关学术机构和权威专家的支持。自此以后,每年定期在北京召开,共累计接待有来自美国、俄罗斯、德国、英国、加拿大、意大利、土耳其、西班牙、巴西、印度、沙特阿拉伯、日本、韩国、澳大利亚、巴基斯坦等50多个国家的政经领袖和业界精英的参与。大会由产业论坛、贸易博览、公益活动三大部分组成,被誉为全球健康产业的高级别盛会之一。

      The World Health Industry Conference is abbreviated as "World Health Club" (WHIC). WHIC is aninternational event for the health industry initiated by the Organizing Committee of China International Health Industry Expo, jointly sponsored by China Healthcare International Exchange Promotion Association, China Chinese Medicine Information Society,China Health and Nutrition Magazine, China Traditional Chinese Medicine Association, Pharmaceutical Chamber of Commerce of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, as well as organized and operated by the Project Hope (Beijing) Intemational Cutural Exchange Center. The first WHIC conference was successfully held on April7.2012 World Health Day) in Beijing,China,and was supported by relevant academic institutions and authoritative experts from the United States. Russia. Germany,Japan.India, Canada, Ukraine and other countries. Since then, it has been held regularly in Bejing every year and has welcomed political and economic leaders and industry elites from more than 50 countries, including the United States。Russia. Germany,the United Kinadom. Canada. ltaly,Turkey, Spain,Brazil, India, Saudi Arabia, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and Pakistan. Billed as one of the high-level events in the global health industry, WHIC consists of three parts: industry forum, trade expo, and public welfare activities.


      Presently, the "World Health Industry Conference" was several time consecutive and successfully held in Beijing,China. China Chairman of the Chinese National Committee of the Chinese Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC )Jia Oinalin. German Chancellor Angela Merkel. the President of Singapore Chen Qingvan, Spanish Prime Minister Zapatero, the former Prime Minister Hatoyama Yukio, WHO General Director Chen Feng fuzhen and other domestic and foreign political dignitaries leaders at home and abroad have been sending conaratulations.State leaders such as Zhou Tienong. Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China.Zhana Meiving.Li Meng and others attended and opened the meeting. Luo Xiang. the chief representative of the United Nations Project Services Agency,Lee Xiangxi. the Minister of Science and Technology of South Korea. Meng Wenxing, the Minister of Health of Cambodia, and,Gabriele Schottler, the Vice Mayor of Berlin, Germany, came to attend and announce announced for the opening ceremony. Nearly more than 40 countries. political and business leaders and industry elites. gathered in Beijing. Every year, there are more than fifty thousands (50.000) spectators who witnessed the convening of the previous World Health Industry Conference Expo.

      "世界健康产业大会" 诞生以来,为人类健康敲响了警钟,为全世界向健康方向发展吹响了号角,它开启了21世纪"财富第五波"的财富之门,它的影响逐步波及到政治、经济、文化、思想、医学等各领域。世界健康产业大会已经被推到历史的潮头,必将成为全世界的重要大会。

      Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of CNPC, Zhou Tienong attended twice to the meeting and announced for its opening. Nearly more than 40 countries, political and business leaders and industry elite from the United States, Russia, Germany, Britain, Canada, Italy, Turkey, Spain, Brazil, India, Saudi Arabia, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Kampuchea, Pakistan,etc,gathered in Beijing.Every year, there are more than fity thousands (50.000) spectators who witnessed the convening of the World Health Industry Conference.













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